Writing on Storyrchive by Storiteller

[Gif: Mechanical Pencil by Anidas97 ] Hello everyone, it's me Storiteller. Here is the Mission Statement, or the About for storyrchive! I consider myself a storyteller, but lately I've noticed I've done everything but tell stories, which is why I created storyrchive. This blog is for my research on storytelling and everything it encompasses: from... Continue Reading →

What does the web mean to me in terms of Education?

In my last post, What does the web mean to me?, I briefly talked about the web in terms of education. Here, I'll expand more on the subject. The web and the internet, in terms of Education, become a powerful tool in the hands of those who use it correctly. There are many opportunities to... Continue Reading →

What does the Web mean to me?

For our first homework, we have to talk about what the Web means to us, but a few days ago my professor explicitly stated that the internet and the web are two completely different concepts. Which is why I’ll start by defining those terms: The internet is defined by webopeida.com as: "The internet is a... Continue Reading →

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